Borrowers still not aware of the impact of PMI

private mortgage insurance PMI

The cost of private mortgage insurance (PMI) for homebuyers still surprises many borrowers, if they ever become aware of it. It’s typically rolled into the monthly payment, and for many, it’s part of the monthly mortgage payment even though it only benefits the lender if things go wrong. It’s a safety net for lenders in case the borrower defaults on the loan. Unlike some think, the insurance will not cover and replace payments missed by the borrower, for the borrower. So, it’s a cost, with the only benefit being that they get accepted for a loan with PMI, rather than simply rejected. This is the part that many just don’t perceive or quickly forget. Unfortunately, it’s usually a last minute issue and decision to make, at the peak of what usually is a tough process of qualification and underwriting of the loan, and for many it’s hard to yet again put some serious thinking into another hurdle when all seems to be set and done, and buyers have already started packing, and often so have their sellers.

Strictly required for some borrowers who are just short of qualifying for a mortgage loan (usually they have less cash to pay as a down payment), there are ways to avoid paying PMI. It’s important because PMI can add thousands of dollars to the cost of a home each year, so knowing alternative options is something that borrowers should work on. Some alternatives could be very viable, and, albeit usually at a cost, they could save thousands throughout the life of the loan.

For a few PMI cost-saving strategies, follow and read the full article here.

By understanding the intricacies of PMI and the available options for borrowers, homebuyers can make informed decisions and potentially save thousands of dollars on their mortgages. This could be just about enough to avoid a future financial challenge or default.

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