Home Buyers

Happy Home Buyers

PRXM is a service website of Proxima Investors (click here for the official website) We Sell to Home Buyers who need or want to overcome challenges in all markets.

With our flexibility in real estate transactions, we can deal with credit, tax, history, liquidity issues and more.

They may prevent prospective Buyers from immediately securing financing or on acceptable terms. We can make them HomeBuyers, and therefore homeowners, much sooner than usual and move into their forever home on better financing terms.

Wasteful temporary solutions such as renting, or other awkward accommodations are avoidable. The housing market and home buying opportunities slip away easily, even for deserving Buyers.

That’s why we specialize in deals that address specific solutions for each of our Buyers. We encourage prospective Buyers to contact us without hesitation, as time is always of the essence in real estate, and even more so in these times.

In these days of high interest rates, many buyers may be easily eligible for a mortgage loan to purchase a home, but don’t want to sign up for a long-term loan with very high interest. We have solutions to postpone the need for financing through an institution, or to avoid it altogether.

It would be financially wise to consider deals on terms to compare the pros and cons that arise from the buyer’s individual situation. One pro that applies to any homebuyer on terms is that, by bypassing a bank or other similar lender, temporarily or permanently, the benefits are arguably financial and practical, and by a good amount, too. Just don’t tell the banks!

The perfect solution may require time to set up, so call us quickly and without obligation!

617-921-9265 (call or text)

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